I'm currently workin over a 5 Vegas stogie, I'd say the gauge is 55 - 57. After testin out my lovely new perfecto cutter
i light up and draw on the stogie. It's lit fine but single draws per minute are very unenthusiastic. Double drawing gets a better response without hot smoke/taste. It's burnin ok and the ash looks v solid at one inch so I don't think it's a bad stick, it jus needs more love in the draw department...... Maybe it's just a bit shy.
Do you find that with larger gauges? I kno I'd be paying big time for a 30-45 gauge smoke if I double toked each minute. Maybe the tobacco is just a bit tight and the extra draw gives it the right amount of oxygen for a satisfying smoke plume?!

Do you find that with larger gauges? I kno I'd be paying big time for a 30-45 gauge smoke if I double toked each minute. Maybe the tobacco is just a bit tight and the extra draw gives it the right amount of oxygen for a satisfying smoke plume?!