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whiskey in a humidor
as much as i love whisky with all my heart mind and soul... that doesn't sound like a tactic id employ ever ever!
not even in the NC humidor, if I ever had one, which I won't, because I don't like NCs,
but yes, i think everyone will agree on here, get that whisky sponge out of there, maybe suck on it a bit, squeeze the dregs into a glass and sup it, and then replace with a sponge soaked purely in distilled water
Hi and welcome to the forum.
The whisky will probably have had a detrimental effect on the cigarsso, out of kindness, not wanting to give you a bad impression of the joys of smoking a good cigar, I would suggest you send them on to me.
I promise that after a few months I will let you know how many were adversely affected and therefore how lucky you were not to have your tastebuds sullied by them.
Always happy to help.
Originally posted by stokesleycigar View Postthe only thing is he has used whiskey to soak the humidor sponge how will this improve or damage the cigars eny info would help thanks matthew!
Your rather unusual, and some might say, unique, conundrum intrigues me I must admit.
Therefore, purely in the interests of: scientific research . . furthering the knowledge base of my fellow BOTL . . and, satisfying my warped sense of curiosity. I propose nominating myself as the forums 'guinea pig', to 'test drive' one of them there whiskey infused seegars to see if its exposure to aromatic, alcoholic fumes has had a deleterious or propitious effect on the said stogie.
Who knows, it might catch on! Imagine a hint of 'Tia Maria' with a RASS, or a trace of 'Kahlua' with your D4???
Where's my lab coat?
Time to get 'experimenting' . . .Originally posted by DRAGMASTEREvery time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.
Welcome to the forum mate.
Some years ago a mate used to flavour his cigars with brandy by putting a shot glass full in the sealed jar he used to store his smokes. He reckoned that the longer you left them in then the stronger the flavour got,and he loved them. He did make a cock up later on when he moved to a larger jar and stuck the cigars and shot glass straight in without checking the jar first. After a couple of weeks he opened the jar up and could only smell and taste the pickled onions that it had once been used to storeLast edited by Cigar-aficionado; 08-03-2010, 12:09 PM.
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