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My most memorable cigar.

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  • My most memorable cigar.

    Let's face it, sometimes it's not just the cigar that makes the experience but the circumstance as well.

    My most memorable cigar was a Monte Cristo petit Edmundo. What made it so special was the circumstance................

    Having dreamt of visiting the treasures of Egypt all my life my wife got me a cruise down the Nile of my 40th birthday.

    Having visited the temples of Karnac & Luxor and the valley of the kings, we set off south down the Nile towards Esra.

    My wife and kids went to bed early that night and I sat on deck as the boat headed south. I got a couple of glasses a the local red wine and lit up a Monte P Endmundo that I'd packed.

    As the boat passed under the greenly illumed road bridge I wondered if I'd ever experience a cigar like this in my life again!.

    Anyone else care to share their "most memorable cigar" experience ???

  • #2
    so, it was the combination of the time, place, setting and cigar that made it most memorable? if that's what you mean, then xmas dinner with my missus in mid december 2009 at belfast castle!!! fantastic meal, it was snowing a blizzard outside! finished off the evening with coffee and cognacs (and millenium bushmills, yum)! when we arrived home, we had bacardi mojitos and havana club cuba libres!!! i had a beautiful PSD4 and the missus had a cohiba maduro secretos!!!! no baby to worry about as he was being minded that night by the in laws.........


    all the best,



    • #3
      Ah, fond memories...

      I was in the Peace Corpse back in '68 as a fashion advisor to Juanita Ongan?a, the 18-year old daughter of Juan Carlos Ongan?a, then president of Argentina. Juanita would wear teensy little tank tops with her mini-skirts, making her look like an ordinary street puta; makeup applied by the pound; stringy hair down to her hoohah... anyway, you don't need the details. Suffice it to say she needed quite a bit of help. Which I was there to provide, and did.

      It was summer and the grass was high and so was I. Me 'n' Juanita were walking hand in hand behind the llama pens and we came upon this old, wizened Tehuelche medicine man who was chanting mesmerizing incantations over a llama-dung fire. He motioned us to sit. We did. After an hour or so, he suddenly stopped, stared at me with his penetrating yellow-green eyes and said something that sounded like "stupid American fuckwad," which I later found out meant "Happiness is an illusion which only the fool seeks, but which the wise man knows is selling for 350 pesos in Santa Cruz."

      He reached into the pouch hanging from his loincloth's braided rope waistband and handed me an El Fuma del Suomi Ballaboosta Elegante Culebra with the fermented Turkmenistani llama intestine wrapper. I must admit, upon first look, I was the teensiest bit dubious. It did, after all, strongly resemble, some of the... errr... "doodles" that could be seen dotting the llama pen. However, as he took a burning ember from the fire before us and held it in front of me, I really had little option but to follow through and light the thing.

      Try as I might, I just couldn't get the fooking stogie to draw and just as I was about to give up in frustration, the old chief pulled out his machete and looked at me with a savage wildness. I was transfixed with fear and unable to breathe as he swung the instrument of my impending demise with a ferocious "WHACK!" and deftly snipped off the end of my uncooperative culebra. Holding the firestick up again, he motioned me to once again draw.

      Which I did. I was immediately engulfed in billows of acrid, putrid, rancid smoke vaguely reminiscent of skunk juice filtered through ammonia and left to dry on 9-day old rotting tuna. Of course, I passed out almost immediately.

      During the 4 days I was in a coma, I dreamt of Viking ships flying over Buenos Aires, dropping leaflets to the starving masses, entreating them to forgo their heathen ways and buy old Chevrolets. I dreamt of building a mile-high Kung Fu dojo made entirely out of anchovies. I saw the most beautiful women imaginable, curling their teeth and polishing their underarm hair with fragrant dung beetles. I was transported to a place where precious stones -- rubies, diamonds, emeralds -- were falling from the skies and essentially stoning people to death under a rain of unending small missiles at high velocity. I saw many, many strange and wondrous sights and was extremely hungry and had a horrible itch behind the bollocks when I woke up.

      The old man was gone. So was Juanita. The llamas were still there.

      I shall never forget...


      • #4
        I want what he's smoking!

        (El Cat opens the mail from rokkit) .. 'Ohh, thank you very much .. I'll get back to you later .. much, much .. later'!
        Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
        Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


        • #5
          Crazy man...

          I had a good think about this before I answered, and I reckon it was my first Vegas Robaina Unicos during a weekend canoeing.

          We were staying on this horrific campsite where I wasn't even sure we would survive the night, and the pub there was a little too scary for my liking. The ferry across the river to the better pub stopped at 6pm so we ended up finding another way to get there . They had an excellent heated outside area where we all ate and drank vast quantities. After the meal I was able to light up my cigar with no grief from anyone, and it was beautiful. How we managed to get back to the campsite that night I have no idea.


          • #6
            I was in a one horse town (well, it woulda been if it had a horse0 in California called Isleton and i cracked a Siglo V. The weather was good, the company was good and the drink was flowing. Excellent.

            Nearly as good was a HdM Churchill in Palm Springs during the Dinah Shore weekend. Those who know will know what I mean!
            No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
            No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

            CS Parnell


            • #7
              Originally posted by daverave999 View Post
              We were staying on this horrific campsite where I wasn't even sure we would survive the night, and the pub there was a little too scary for my liking.
              Holy cow man! You were visiting my 'neck of the woods'!

              You don't know what a narrow escape you had . . 'The River & Rail Country Inn' you mention in your post had to close recently.

              Health officials found out that the proprietor was drugging visiting tourists (the 'billy-no-mates' kind, . . the sort you see on camping trips, . . one's that won't be missed), and performing unlicensed 'organ removal' operations on them while they lay stupefied.
              Turns out he was using their kidneys and livers in his (rather tasty I admit) award winning, 'Shropshire's Finest' range of 'Faggots & Mash'! (Quit sniggering USA)

              It only came to light when he won the contract to supply Sainsbury's and had to come clean about his 'magic' ingredients!
              How the judging panel laughed! Anyhow, despite his appeal, it turns out this was contrary to health and safety regulations, not the organ removal of course (they are only 'furiners' after all), but the lack of DEFRA certification for the meat!

              Originally posted by daverave999 View Post
              How we managed to get back to the campsite that night I have no idea.
              P.S. You haven't recently discovered a strange scar by any chance?
              Last edited by El Catador; 16-02-2010, 04:35 PM. Reason: Added a P.S.
              Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
              Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


              • #8
                god im sure some guys on here who will remain nameless (ones a scientist and ones not a dog if you no what i mean) are smoking other things

