At the risk of looking like I'm trying to pimp my own blog, I'd like to draw your attention to my latest blog post.
It seems to be quite a common question on cigar forums asking if it is mould or bloom on their cigars, with seemingly no definitive way of telling. That said, on Trevor's cubancigarwebsite it is mentioned that UV light can be used. This is the only place I can find it on the web, apart from places that refer to that. I think this is quite a major piece of info that gets overlooked way too much, so to corroborate it, I decided to have a play.

This is a photo of some October 2007 PLPCs under UV light (365 nm). The even spread of the sparkles indicates to me that it is the beginnings of bloom, as mould tends to cluster. The reason you can only see a small region of them is the UV light is quite directional and not very bright.
I have also put a FdC Preferidos in a sealed plastic bag with some wet bog roll to try and get it to mould. I will then test it with the UV light to check whether the mould doesn't also fluoresce.

Further details to come. It shouldn't be too long going on my experience with mould.
Hope someone finds this useful or interesting.
It seems to be quite a common question on cigar forums asking if it is mould or bloom on their cigars, with seemingly no definitive way of telling. That said, on Trevor's cubancigarwebsite it is mentioned that UV light can be used. This is the only place I can find it on the web, apart from places that refer to that. I think this is quite a major piece of info that gets overlooked way too much, so to corroborate it, I decided to have a play.

This is a photo of some October 2007 PLPCs under UV light (365 nm). The even spread of the sparkles indicates to me that it is the beginnings of bloom, as mould tends to cluster. The reason you can only see a small region of them is the UV light is quite directional and not very bright.
I have also put a FdC Preferidos in a sealed plastic bag with some wet bog roll to try and get it to mould. I will then test it with the UV light to check whether the mould doesn't also fluoresce.

Further details to come. It shouldn't be too long going on my experience with mould.

Hope someone finds this useful or interesting.