In an attempt to try and quantify my cigar journey, I'm using the Cigar Scanner app to allow me to log/rate each cigar I smoke. Seemed like the best app I could find at the time, although still getting used to the rating.
One thing I'm slightly confused about is there are two ratings you can give for aroma and taste. Am I right in thinking that the aroma is literally any whiff of a smell you might get while you're smoking? Or in the cigar world, is aroma meant to take on a different meaning, perhaps relating to retrohale?
It just seems like a strange thing to have there, given that I rarely, if ever, 'smell' the cigar I'm smoking.
If anyone could enlighten me that would be great? And if anyone else uses that app then how do you do it?
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One thing I'm slightly confused about is there are two ratings you can give for aroma and taste. Am I right in thinking that the aroma is literally any whiff of a smell you might get while you're smoking? Or in the cigar world, is aroma meant to take on a different meaning, perhaps relating to retrohale?
It just seems like a strange thing to have there, given that I rarely, if ever, 'smell' the cigar I'm smoking.
If anyone could enlighten me that would be great? And if anyone else uses that app then how do you do it?
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