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The Interesting Members Quiz.

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  • #31
    1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
    Started at 17 smoking the odd cigar on nights out. Got seriously into the hobby at 29.

    2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?
    There used to be a cigar menu in the mosquito bar in Liverpool one day we thought we'd try it out of curiosity and loved it.

    3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
    Usually 2 per week or daily if on holiday

    4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
    Not one for smoking away from home much. My favourite place is at home in the man cave in front of the TV.

    5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
    Xikar guillotine

    6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
    Relaxed. Nothing more relaxing than sitting with a cigar, whiskey, cocktail or stout

    7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
    Usually in the evening but in the summer Ill sometimes smoke after breakfast in the garden

    8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.

    9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right ? you have more than you will ever smoke!.
    C but D if you ask the wife

    10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?[/QUOTE]
    B however I smoke about 50/50. I just don't age non Cubans.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
      Saw a similar quiz elsewhere & I thought it would be interesting to learn more about each other. Feel feel to add comments or leave any questions you'd rather not answer.

      1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
      I was in my mid to late 40's
      2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?
      On Hols in Menorca after a meal I knew the aroma and my father -in-law said have one with a Brandy. The experience was sublime. An addict was born...
      3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
      Summer 6-10 Winter maybe 2/3 a week
      4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
      Again at the Hotel Nacional Cuba..does it get better...summer bbq and a late smoke on a warm evening with friends and family
      5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
      50/50 Xicar cut and punch for convenience when ive only got my lighter
      6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
      Relaxed & Assured all is well.
      7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
      weekend, lunchtime and midweek after dinner.
      8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.
      B ....Sometimes bordering on C.
      9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right ? you have more than you will ever smoke!.
      C .
      10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?
      C+ 80% I regret buying a box of HR Sublimes Nicaraguan, smoke excellent look fantastic after half way they turn too harsh for my taste.

