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The Interesting Members Quiz.

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  • The Interesting Members Quiz.

    Saw a similar quiz elsewhere & I thought it would be interesting to learn more about each other. Feel feel to add comments or leave any questions you'd rather not answer.

    1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?

    2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?

    3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?

    4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?

    5) What do you use to cut the cigar?

    6) How do you feel while you are smoking?

    7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?

    8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.

    9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!.

    10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?
    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.

  • #2
    1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
    My Mother gave me my first cigar Christmas Day 1977, when I was 18yo. She associated cigar smoke with Christmas as her father & brother used to smoke a cigar on Christmas Day (rest of the year they smoked Old Holburn roll ups). After they died my mother smoked a small cigar for a couple Christmases & on my 18th, shes said it was my turn to take on the family tradition.

    2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?

    Difficult question, like my Mother, I loved the aroma; I soon loved the feel, taste & pleasure of smoking whilst having a pint in the pub.

    How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?

    1-2 cigars x2 per week, x3 on hols.

    Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?

    Hotel Nacional, Havana for the history. On a porch in the Vinales, Cuba. In front of a roaring Scottish real fire.

    What do you use to cut the cigar?

    Palio dble blade for slim vitolas. Punch larger RG.

    How do you feel while you are smoking?

    Hopefully comfortable & warm, (even if smoking outside & it means dressing warmly), relaxed & enjoying the cigars development.

    When do you light your first cigar of the day?

    Most usually after lunch, down the Caf? or when fishing.

    What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my
    leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.


    9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest ageing stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!.


    10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?

    B, I never buy NC’s but have some gifted or as a result of buying others collections.
    Last edited by Simon Bolivar; 01-11-2017, 06:26 PM.
    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


    • #3
      How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
      18 when i was on holiday with the lads and became a thing to do when on holiday..but looked into cigars properly when i was 31

      1) What attracted you to smoking cigars?
      not sure, when i was looked cool i guess and i'm on holiday to relax so why not

      2) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
      not many i try 1 a week, just hard to find time and opportunities

      3) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
      for my Mother in laws 65th birthday, we hired a Yacht in cancun and was smoking on the deck...was a great feeling...very Mr Big Bollocks haahah

      4) What do you use to cut the cigar?
      punch 80% of the time
      5) How do you feel while you are smoking?
      Relaxed...its me time!!!

      6) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
      normally after dinner.

      7) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.

      A & C

      9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!.

      10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?


      • #4
        1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?

        28 - I bought 20 singles for my Birthday last year!

        2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?

        A mixture of the sheer information around them and popular culture, thought it is something everyone should at least try.

        3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?

        4 a week when i am being good...

        4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?

        Still very fresh to the whole world, so not had many opportunities to light one up - however, i went to Brussels in August and stayed at the Hotel Metropole - the outside cafe, the hot sun, the historical ambience, good coffee, and thrashing my friends at cards, all the while smoking some great cigars! ... Can i go back now please!?

        5) What do you use to cut the cigar?

        Straight cut most of the time...

        6) How do you feel while you are smoking?

        Mindful - great way to spend 1-2 hours simply enjoying the present moment, and not letting thoughts run away with you - focus on that smoke

        7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?


        8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.


        9) Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!.

        B though i may be creeping into C soon if i do not reign myself in...

        10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?

        Only the impossible is worth the effort.



        • #5
          Cheers for the first two replies, interesting replies indeed!
          Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
            Saw a similar quiz elsewhere & I thought it would be interesting to learn more about each other. Feel feel to add comments or leave any questions you'd rather not answer.
            1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?


            2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?

            My dad was a big cigar smoker and I'd always like the aromas. Once I started earning my own money I started looking into it all for myself. By that time my dad had passed away so it was very much a solo (and enjoyable) pursuit.

            3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?

            Anything up to five per week, depending on how I'm feeling.

            4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?

            In the company of good friends. The venue means absolutely nothing to me. I'm also a big fan of smoking a cigar in my own company.

            5) What do you use to cut the cigar?

            A double-bladed guillotine cutter. I upgraded to a Xikar Xi1 a couple of weeks ago. It's nice but not worth the money.

            6) How do you feel while you are smoking?

            Pretty fortunate that I can afford to literally burn ?10+ in a single sitting. Other than that, nothing really. Cigars are nice but they don't define me.

            7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?

            Usually in the evening. If I'm on holiday then just after breakfast.

            8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.

            B. I look forward to a cigar at the weekend.

            9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!.

            B. I'm a great believer that tomorrow is promised to no one so I don't see the point in planning to own anything consumable beyond a few months in front of me.

            10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?

            I have around 60 sticks in my humidor and "overspill" tupperdor. One of them is a Cuban. I just don't think they're worth it. I'd rather spend my money on Gibson guitars, of which I have a few.
            flying over your house,
            a guy called Gus


            • #7
              1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
              2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?
              Visiting Cuba
              3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
              Depends on my shifts so hard to quantify. On a week's holiday up to 21 in various sizes

              4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
              With my wife
              5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
              A Xikar straight cutter of a Colibri V cutter
              6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
              7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
              In the summer it could be a small one with coffee as early as 8am
              8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.
              9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right ? you have more than you will ever smoke!.
              D - she actually told me once to smoke more and buy less
              10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?

              50% Cuban
              'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


              • #8
                1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
                2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?
                Nostalgia and aroma
                3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
                from 1 a day to 1 a week
                4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?

                Most memorably the balcony in Cape Verde on my first holiday with my Mrs
                5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
                Punch or Cutter
                6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
                Relaxed and content.
                7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
                Variable, not often before lunch.
                8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.
                9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!.
                10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?



                • #9
                  Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                  1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
                  2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?
                  Visiting Cuba
                  3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
                  Depends on my shifts so hard to quantify. On a week's holiday up to 21 in various sizes

                  4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
                  With my wife
                  5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
                  A Xikar straight cutter of a Colibri V cutter
                  6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
                  7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
                  In the summer it could be a small one with coffee as early as 8am
                  8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.
                  9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right ? you have more than you will ever smoke!.
                  D - she actually told me once to smoke more and buy less
                  10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?

                  50% Cuban
                  Thanks for taking take part PJ; the surprise for me was that your stock is 50% Cubans, from your posts I thought you smoked 80%+ NC's?
                  Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                  • #10
                    You didn't answer question 1 [MENTION=941]Simon Bolivar[/MENTION]!
                    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                    • #11
                      1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
                      I've had a few cigars over the years just for fun but started smoking them seriously around 3 years ago.
                      2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?

                      The taste and the ritual of smoking them. Sitting back, relax and enjoying a cigar has become something that I crave on a regular basis.
                      3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
                      It depends on my free time. On vacation I try to smoke two a day. Otherwise I'll try to have a couple when I don't work on Fridays and Saturdays. From time to time I managed to finish early and get home before the girlfriend and have one as well.
                      4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
                      I did a 125cc tour of Laos for a month on my own in 2015 and had some great smokes there sitting somewhere in the middle of nowhere, all alone looking at the most beautiful landscapes that I have seen in my life.
                      5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
                      Depends on the mood but I would say 80% of times my Colibri V-cutter and 20% my Xicar XO cutter. Except when I travel, I use cheap cutters then.
                      6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
                      Relaxed, taking off pressure when I smoke on my own. I love to herf as well but my buddies here in Paris don't smoke that many cigars. I herf more when I travel to the US (twice a year) or to Germany (twice a year as well) since I have friends who smoke on a regular basis in both countries. Then we just sit and chat, having a good time.
                      7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?

                      After lunch.

                      8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.
                      9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!.
                      Somewhere between C and D.
                      10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?

                      Pretty close to A. I have around 20 NC's which come to around +/- 1% of my collection, three of them I care about. Will try to sell the rest for cheap when I find the time.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                        You didn't answer question 1 @Simon Bolivar!
                        Apologies, filled in now.
                        Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
                          Saw a similar quiz elsewhere & I thought it would be interesting to learn more about each other. Feel feel to add comments or leave any questions you'd rather not answer.

                          1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
                          In my late thirties.
                          2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?

                          Had been smoking a pipe as a youth and caught the wonderful aroma of a cigar whilst walking past a cigar merchant in London. He invited me in and showed me the cigars in the walk-in humidor. Picked a few Havana cigars. He showed me how to cut and light one of them and I sat in a chair in the shop chatting and enjoying my first proper cigar.3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?

                          These days an occasional cigar during the week.
                          4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
                          In a quiet park outside on a warm day and the day in JJ Fox chatting to Billy Connolly.
                          5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
                          Mainly straight cutter.
                          6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
                          Calm, relaxed and thoughtful.
                          7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
                          Usually in the afternoon.
                          8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.
                          A, at present.
                          9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right ? you have more than you will ever smoke!.

                          A, at present.
                          10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?


                          • #14

                            1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars?
                            I had the occasional cigar in my early 20?s but started smoking regularly when I was about 35.

                            2) What attracted you to smoking cigars?
                            The fact that as far as I?m concerned you have to take time out to smoke a cigar ? going for a walk or ideally sitting and just taking some time out.

                            3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week?
                            Hard to say, but on average 2 a week.

                            4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar?
                            On the terrace of the Jardin Botanique restaurant in Limbe, Cameroun, after a meal of King Prawns and fried plantains, with a bottle of Mutzig, watching the sun set over the Atlantic.

                            5) What do you use to cut the cigar?
                            Most of the time a Colibri V Cutter, although in future I guess I ought to use my new Cuban Crafters Perfect Cutter!

                            6) How do you feel while you are smoking?
                            Calm and relaxed - hopefully

                            7) When do you light your first cigar of the day?
                            Sometime in the afternoon . Very rarely before lunch.

                            8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family.
                            Veering towards C.

                            9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right ? you have more than you will ever smoke!.
                            C .

                            10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC?


                            • #15
                              1) How old were you when you started smoking cigars? First experience when I was 22, started full time at 24

                              2) What attracted you to smoking cigars? the whole experience of sitting in a cigar lounge, the smell of the cigars, talking about the production process etc got me hooked immediately

                              3) How many cigars do you smoke a day/a week? 1-2 per month

                              4) Which is the best place you have smoked a cigar? Cuba tobacco cigar co in Miami, the owner is a spit of Che.

                              5) What do you use to cut the cigar? Palio cutter

                              6) How do you feel while you are smoking? relaxed a

                              7) When do you light your first cigar of the day? mainly after half 8 when the little ones settled

                              8) What level of interest would you class yourself as? A) Infrequent pleasure/ B) regular feature of my leisure time/ C) I am constantly planning how to fit smoking time around work & family. A, Infrequent pleasure

                              9/ Would you describe your current cigar stock as approx: A) Buying more or less as you smoke them. B) appropriate to the amount you smoke C) modest aging stock D) You actually believe the wife is right – you have more than you will ever smoke!. C modest aging stock

                              10/ Is you current stock approx.: A) 100% Cuban, B) 90% Cuban, C) 75% Cuban D) 50% Cuba, E) 25% Cuban, F) 100% NC? C 75% Cuban

