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The 10 comandments to herfing

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  • The 10 comandments to herfing

    1. Always bring enough cigars for yourself and a few extras to hand out. It is bad form to arrive unprepared and you don?t want anyone labeling you as a ?mooch.?

    2. Always be sure to bring something extra special to offer the host of the herf. You remember those dinner parties your wife drags you to? No, don?t worry, you don?t need to mind your table manners among the herfing crowd, but do bring something nice for the guys putting it together. It is a great, simple gesture of respect and kindness while it almost guarantees you will be invited back.

    3. Never cut or light another herfer?s cigar. Cutting and lighting a cigar is an incredibly personal process. Breaking this rule would be the equivalent of reaching onto someone?s plate, cutting their food and then tasting it as well.

    4. Always remember to bring your own cutters, lighters and other accessories.

    5. Never ask another individual for a taste of his or her cigar. You don?t know where that mouth has been and it is simply rude.

    6. Always use an ashtray. No, the floor is not acceptable.

    7. Never extinguish your cigar, as it emits a foul aroma. Instead, set your cigar down and let it burn out on its own.

    8. Always be courteous of other herfers, especially those who are new to cigars. Herfing is not an exclusive club. Be inquisitive. Ask what others are enjoying and help the new enthusiasts learn. You will not only get to expel some of your cigar knowledge but may also find a new friend to herf with.

    9. Always avoid the term ?smoking.? Smoking is what those who consume cigarettes do. For example, instead of asking someone, ?What are you smoking?? or ?How long have you been smoking?,? say, ?What cigar are you enjoying?? or ?How long have you been into cigars?? ?Smoking? carries a negative connotation relating to habit-forming addictions. Cigars are about relaxation and a luxurious indulgence. They are not habit-forming addictions and are enjoyed by choice, not necessity.

    10. Always, be sure to send a hand written thank you note to each herfer you meet. Just kidding, but wouldn?t mom be proud? A simple ?thanks? on the way out will suffice.

  • #2
    Pretty self explainatory. I did alot of etiquette research before getting into cigars so I avoided looking like a nob as much as possible. Lol couldnt imagine lighting someone elses cigar


    • #3
      Gman there were a couple of points that i was not aware of. A good post for all thanks mate.
      I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
      Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
      Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
      Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

      The Dawg.


      • #4
        Great points list there G-Man...

        Like Stogiedog there are a couple on the list that I was not aware of, so thanks for the heads-up...

        Cheers, HabanoSy


        • #5
          Interesting points. I will take note and learn!


          • #6
            The 11th Commandment!

            All good points, senor GAS. Might I suggest an 11th commandment....never fart while sparking up a fine Habano.*

            As you know , I am a simple hombre from SoM, MX and I have much to learn about your civilization, but please explain where the term "Herfing" came from.

            Hello, my name is BJ, BJCoro, and I am to please, so please aim (I read that somewhere but don't remember where )

            *does not apply to n/cs.
            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


            • #7
              (I read that somewhere but don't remember where )

              HERF... to herf; herfing; herfers; the ASC Philly Herf;
              the Gellman Office Herf; Herf'dor; Fart Nard Herfing;
              circle-herfs; herf-off; an after-dinner herf;
              the San Francisco Herf; Gentlemen, you may herf...


              The un-official word of ASC is Herf. Herf is a unique part
              of speech. It can be correctly used as a noun, a verb, an
              adjective, an adverb, an infinitive, a prefix, a suffix and
              an explicative. The arcane word "herf" first entered the
              ASC lexicon on November 21, 1996, and was quickly elevated
              to frenetic and common use by ASCers. The Prince of Skeeves
              ( exposed ASC to the word herf in a casual
              posting to the group... however it was ASCers, as a budding
              collective, who took the word and made it divine. Herf is
              now virulently spreading to worldwide common use as hip
              cigar parlance.

              HERF - CHRONOLOGY:

              As for the _origin_ of Herf, here's the History of Herf
              (it's a matter of record on DejaNews)...

              The word "herf" first appeared on ASC...

              -------- [post quoted below] -----------------------------

              It was November 21, 1996... the elections were over,
              and "herf" unceremoniously beams into our lexicon...

              And, you were there (here's the exact post)...
              ************************************************** ****

              ************************************************** ****

              And, the voices of ASCers cry out immediately...
              saying, "what is this _herf_ thing?"

              In answer... on November 23, Prince of Skeeves elucidates,
              Message-ID: <5770op$>:

              The voices of ASC follow in chorus:
              "this herf thing... it is good"

              And, in a grand gesture, full grace is shared...

              -------- [end quoted post] ----------------------------------

              Yet one question remains to this day,
              who was that masked man, this Prince of Skeeves?
              His legacy, a mere sixteen ASC posts all totaled,
              and yet, that 3rd post of his...

              So, that's the herf story... on 11/21/96 "Prince of Skeeves"
              (whoever he/she/it is/was) introduced our newsgroup to its
              very own beloved word...

              And, as a bonus...

              HERF LORE:

              Herf... an ASC word, our word... now reaching to all
              corners of the cigar world... thanks to the likes of
              the many and varied distinguished herfing enthusiasts
              (herfers, herfnicks, herfaholics)... such as:

              o the good Dr. Miguelit (used on his many national radio
              interviews and in his report to the sturgeon general),
              o Mr. Lew Rothman (used proudly and prominently on one
              of JR's catalog issue's front cover),
              o the Hon. Steven Saka (used strategically at least
              four times in the course of the 1997 New Hampshire
              state senatorial debate and once as an invective
              following the debate's broadcast, which, btw, was
              televised on CSPAN-3 to over a half-billion viewers
              worldwide, including the space shuttle mission crew),
              o Connie Whittager, perky weatherwoman on Montgomery,
              Alabama's WKKG-TV (used to describe the fog which
              paralyzed suburban roadways for two straight days
              in April 1997... in an interview on the Weather
              Channel, she explained, "...motorists were advised
              to avoid the western beltway and all lakeside
              arteries due to a stationary fog bank thicker than
              a hundred hounddogs herfin' in a hayloft",
              o by Jorge Habib Delgado, Jr., now departed, (who ardently
              pleaded to "herf a cigar" before his execution in the
              Texas death-house in October 1997)...

              ....just to mention a few of the notables!

              PS: Remember... November 21 is World Herfing Day!!!




              • #8
                I had to ask!

                Well Fuck Me!

                Thanks for your quick response, senor

                sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                • #9
                  You mention not to use the floor for your ash G....Does it count if the ash falls into your lap???
                  Love Life - Love Cigars


                  • #10
                    All good stuff, although I have an issue with number 7!

                    If the floor was good enough for Che its good enough for me! No carpets downstairs in my house! Now all I need is a maid to follow me round sweeping up the ash! lol



                    • #11
                      With 10"

                      Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                      Well Fuck Me!

                      Thanks for your quick response, senor

                      Dry or well LUBED?


                      • #12
                        CRAP...Just dropped my ash into my lap..
                        Love Life - Love Cigars


                        • #13
                          Better there than up you arse!

                          Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
                          CRAP...Just dropped my ash into my lap..

                          I always keep mine under my lap....ohhhhh! You said ASH!

                          Never mind!

                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • #14
                            Did some 1 say lap. LMAO


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by gss1956 View Post
                              Did some 1 say lap. LMAO


                              Love, get out the F****N way, can't you see Match of the Days On...!!!

                              Brilliant pic G-man...

                              Cheers, HabanoSy

