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  • Over-humidification?

    Just wondered if anyone else is having problems with over-humidification this summer?

    Currently I have everything in my lock n lock with 4 Boveda 65% bags (2 of these are brand new), but the humidity is still hovering around 72-73%.

    Is it worth me picking up some 62% bags to lower this a bit more? Never really come across this before, I previously used a mix of 65/69% Bovedas and these kept everything in the correct range

  • #2
    Take out the Bovedas. Leave the lid open until the humidity drops to 65% and close it up again. See what that does. It will probably stay stable until you need the Bovedas again in the cooler weather. They're obvioulsy in a cool place already but if not move them. I have had to hang a Cuban flag on the inside of my garage windows to reduce the radiant heat getting through from the sun and have put reflectant film on the cabin windows.
    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


    • #3
      Ah - I was worrying that it was too humid in the flat etc, looking back I just realised how silly that is! Yeah they're tucked away inside a cupboard that gets the shade all day. It maintains a good 20 degrees most of the time.

      Thanks PJ!

      Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
      I have had to hang a Cuban flag on the inside of my garage windows to reduce the radiant heat getting through from the sun
      Of course, this method wouldn't work if the flag wasn't Cuban!


      • #4
        My lock n lock was at 73% with a 69% pack in it yesterday, will try leaving it out for a bit. There's only 4 cigars in there so I assumed with very little to soak up the humidity it crept up.

        The humidor seems to have settled around the mid 60's


        • #5
          All Wet!

          Originally posted by WDave40 View Post
          Just wondered if anyone else is having problems with over-humidification this summer?
          Hmm...over-humidification? This topic sounds familiar. Give me a minute and let me thumb through don TJ's massive journals.


          (A few minutes later...). Found it! So, according to an entry in don TJ's journal a few years back, there are several methods folks arounds these parts have used to lower the humidity, including rice and, believe it or not....kitty litter! KITTY LITTER!?! That's Crazy!

          Read all about HERE!

          Bag Boy
          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


          • #6
            Some people have claimed that Boveda packs contain kitty litter
            'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


            • #7
              Fake News!

              Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
              Some people have claimed that Boveda packs contain kitty litter
              Indeed. And some people believe climate change is a Chinese hoax. E55CC0A4-2229-4E08-B071-E33C67986035-3268-0000020CACAA91A3.png

              ...but we don't pay "those people" too much attention, now do we.

              Stay strong, mis yankee amigos!

              Bag Boy
              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


              • #8
                Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                Indeed. And some people believe climate change is a Chinesehoax

                Bag Boy
                Of course it isn't, its an international conspiracy to force higher prices for everything onto the proletariat
                'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                • #9
                  I find that its the temp that causes the problem with high RH. Boveda in a good plastic tub will hold at the rating of the pack. Until the temp increases then the rh will go up. Also most digital meters use a algorithm to calculate the displayed rh using the temp and rh sensor readings.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                    Some people have claimed that Boveda packs contain kitty litter
                    You'd be amazed at its alternative uses.... I have used it as a growing medium. When added to certain soil types it is useful for bonsai.... Absorbs water and will release it too....
                    "Dear heart, you're talking to a man- a real man- who drinks straight Tequilla, with lime and salt on the rim, and smokes cigars" (J Zavala)

