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Couple of questions.

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  • Couple of questions.

    After having a brief look around the forums, it seems a lot of you are picking up, sharing and enjoying what I would deem as the rookie that I am, highly specialised cigars. ie old, not EMS, and the likes. Like when folks day Oh yes,the 2001 Diplomatic.(just an example)

    Do you actually smoke or like to purchase cigars that are currently offered by tobacconists today, or is it more common to try get something a bit different/special?

    Also, I have found out that EMS means English Market Sections,do other countries have similar criteria, like French Market Selection, Spanish, Dutch etc. Is that something as connoisseurs that you try to get your hands on, or you simply happy with what your local tobacconist has?

  • #2
    Hi Mike and welcome to the forum. Not everyone smokes old cigars and not all cigars age well as you will learn if you stick around. It seems generally acknowledged that Cuban cigars have a sick period around a year after rolling so some that smoke well from new will appear to taste not so good later but even that varies. Once you have been here long enough to acquire personal message privileges you will be able to take part in sales and splits and pick up some older sticks. Otherwise visit as many cigars shops as you can when you go on holiday. Last year I picked up a few 2008 cigars.
    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


    • #3
      You Make Me Sick!

      Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
      It seems generally acknowledged that Cuban cigars have a sick period around a year after rolling so some that smoke well from new will appear to taste not so good later but even that varies.
      Actually, all cigars (Cubans and Non-Cubans) experience a so-called "sick period" due to the moisture applied to the wrapper during the rolling process. As a result, the tobacco begins to "re-ferment" and after a few days/weeks begin to generate detectable ammonia making them unsmokable . An abundance of cigar aficionados agree that most (95%) of the ammonia taste is gone after a year or so. This is why so many place great importance on the Box Date.

      One difference between Cubans (Puros*) and Non-Cuban (NCs) is that NCs are rarely, if ever, offered for sale during the sick period (first year) and are ready to enjoy the moment you buy 'em. Puros, on the other hand, are brought to market during the "sick period" and need some rest before smoking. Others, however, claim that recent puro production is ready to smoke well before a year.

      Well, at least that's what I've read in don TJ's puro journals.


      Bag Boy

      *Familia Coro designation for Cuban Cigars. Puro means "pure" in espanol.
      Last edited by TJCoro; 14-06-2017, 10:15 PM.
      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


      • #4
        Thanks for the information. It's very valuable. Can't wait to.head off in to town tommorow and get a few nice cigars.


        • #5
          You mentioned there is a sick period, is there any date on the box that I can see that tells me the date they are rolled?

          When I go tommorow, that is.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MikeTheTyke View Post
            You mentioned there is a sick period, is there any date on the box that I can see that tells me the date they are rolled?

            When I go tommorow, that is.
            On Cuban boxes look for a date code that is the first three letters of the month in Spanish and the last two numbers of the year, eg DIC16 is December 2016
            'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


            • #7
              And check out the Cuban Cigar Website for even more mind blowing details
              'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'

