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Long term storage of loose cigars

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  • Long term storage of loose cigars

    Hi guys!

    I'm sorry, but I have another question... No - stop making those signs at your screens. It's very rude.....


    I tried a Por Larranaga petit corona the other day on the recommendation of a friend, and I absolutely loved it. I'd ideally like to try and put some down for a few years.

    However, as I have my eyes on a few other cigars at the moment, I can't really be buying a 50 cabinet, so I'll probably be getting 20 here and 20 there over the next few months.

    I have a main humidor, in which I'm keeping the cigars I plan to smoke, but I'm also setting up a scuba box to start storing boxes for the long haul, in which I'd like to keep the PLPCs. Dumping 20 petit coronas in there loose seems wrong. Putting them in a cardboard box in there seems wrong. And putting them in an empty cigar box which has been flavoured by a different cigar seems wrong, too!

    I was just wondering what you would recommend. Or if I should just bite the bullet and get the 50 cabinet! I hear Pot Noodles are a fine source of cheap nourishment come the end of the month...

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Zip lock bags would be a good solution
    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


    • #3
      You could store them in a pot noodle pot once it's empty and washed?

      But seriously, I use old cigar boxes to store mixed singles- don't think it affects them at all. I also use zip lock bags, they're pretty handy.


      • #4
        If your putting in a scubador, personally I would get old cuban cigar boxes. You can pick them up for a few ??.


        • #5
          You are in bham right? If you get stuck for a box gimme a shout, i have a few extras kicking around.

          I tend to smile, ask politely, explain i want to store singles in a scuba/ tupper/locknlock and then offer a few quid to the till or charity box and most shops open up the big box of empty boxes. I suspect that in the main they do it to stop me gurning at them!!!!
          "Dear heart, you're talking to a man- a real man- who drinks straight Tequilla, with lime and salt on the rim, and smokes cigars" (J Zavala)


          • #6
            Thank you very much for the responses )

            Ziplock bags! It seems so obvious when you hear it... *smacks own head*

            I presume a Boveda 69% in the bag for good measure as well as in the Scuba box wouldn't do any harm.

            That's a very kind offer re the boxes, Emaresee, but I should have a couple of empty boxes by the time I get round to buying these, thank you. The offer really is much appreciated, though - thank you


            • #7
              No drama... If there is any risk of themgetting dinged and damaged you can get 'humidor bags' which in the main are a little padded...
              "Dear heart, you're talking to a man- a real man- who drinks straight Tequilla, with lime and salt on the rim, and smokes cigars" (J Zavala)


              • #8
                Just put them in a smaller Tupperware container inside the scubador if you don't want them getting banged about.

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                • #9
                  I can't remember who it was, so sorry not to give you credit... but I saw someone on here using ribbon with tags... I'm using that in the fridge now!

                  Just need wood shelves now!

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • #10
                    If you're going to have a handful of sticks in a scubador, it will be very helpful to have a few old boxes in there to buffer the humidity, so it makes perfect sense to put your cigars in a box. It will also be helpful to bring the humidity up with the old boxes in first so that they are seasoned themselves IMO. None of those nasty NC boxes ay!
                    "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                    • #11
                      Attached Thumbnails


                      • #12
                        I've got a load of spare boxes knocking around. Send me a PM if you want some, don't want anything for them, cost of postage only.

                        As others have mentioned, the more of them you have in a scubador the better the humidity buffer even if they're empty.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by big bopper View Post
                          I've got a load of spare boxes knocking around. Send me a PM if you want some, don't want anything for them, cost of postage only.

                          As others have mentioned, the more of them you have in a scubador the better the humidity buffer even if they're empty.
                          That's very kind - thank you - I'll keep it in mind

                          Ooooh, those ribbons and tags look rather smart, don't they?!

                          Oh God. This is going to end up with me buying a wine cooler, isn't it? I can feel it.....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Simon_B View Post

                            Oh God. This is going to end up with me buying a wine cooler, isn't it? I can feel it.....
                            Life is too short not to
                            'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                              Attached Thumbnails
                              I seem to recognise these pics Tony !
                              MAKE MINE A CUBAN

