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How old were you when you first started smoking cigars and/or a pipe?

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  • #16
    Occasional Cigs: 15-21, then quit and moved over to rollies until age of 25

    stopped smoking for 7yrs

    Occasional Cigars: 32-present

    Pipe: Never, and no intentions


    • #17
      I may have got my ages wrong I think I maybe only 33 now not 34


      • #18

        I found once I hit 30, I forgot my age thereafter.
        Becomes irrevalant


        • #19
          Originally posted by Wigan View Post
          I may have got my ages wrong I think I maybe only 33 now not 34
          Lol I did! I had to edit my post [emoji13]

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


          • #20
            Originally posted by Wigan View Post
            I may have got my ages wrong I think I maybe only 33 now not 34

            I thought it was only women that stopped counting after 30....


            • #21
              sums me up then


              • #22
                cigs 13
                cigars 32
                pipe 33


                • #23
                  cigs , never
                  cigars , 52
                  pipe , not on the horizon

                  MAKE MINE A CUBAN


                  • #24
                    Cigars 25
                    Pipe last year (thanks to this forum)


                    • #25
                      Catching up ....

                      Cigarettes: very on and off from late teens, more on than off for a couple of years in my early 30s until stopped completely 10 years ago. If I have any regret in life, it is that I smoked cigarettes. I wish I could go back and erase it from my life.
                      Cigars: cheap one every now and then, also from my late teens onwards. I remember smoking King Edwards in the Falklands in 1989 - they were dirt cheap (no duty) and I knew no better, then had a few 'drug store' cigars when I lived in the USA in 1997-99. My first CC was in Vancouver in 1998, when I was 28 - a Boli, but I forget exactly what. Had an aborted venture into CCs when I was 31, then finally it all clicked into place last summer, a few months after turning 44. Sometimes wish I had stuck with it 13 years ago, but I did other things which I don't regret and I now have a few surviving old cigars to treat myself to.
                      Pipe: never, but want to try it out. Unfortunately it really would have to be undercover because I can't see MLW understanding it at all. I'm in a good place with cigars and I should enjoy that privilege.

                      I particularly respect those who took up cigars later in life without any history of smoking. You're the all the evidence I need to convince MLW that this is a real hobby. (I think she saw it as some means of resurrecting a tobacco addiction and even 10+ years after giving up, MLW worried I'd end up smoking cigarettes again. I still can't imagine anything worse.)


                      • #26
                        Cigs and pipe Started when I was about 14 finished 24 - 10 years ago.
                        Cigars when I was 33.
                        Three Laws are:
                        1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
                        2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
                        3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

                        Isaac Asimov


                        • #27
                          Cigarettes. Started at about 13. Packed in in 93. Started again in 99. Packed in again five years ago.
                          Cigars. Dabbled with the odd King Edward, Hamlet etc. over the years. Not many though. First proper one recently.
                          Pipe. Never, but maybe one day. I certainly wouldn't rule it out at the moment.


                          • #28
                            Cigars at 16 years - Siglo III

                            I'm 12 now and going strong!!
                            Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
                            Marc's a Fat Molly
                            Click here for a fun, relevant song!


                            • #29
                              Cigarettes at 17 and smoked them until 2 years ago (now 26)
                              Cigars I had my first ages 20 and wasn't too fussed by them. At 22 I tried a Montecristo No.2 my Dad was given and didn't want. I was so impressed that a cigar could have flavours and that not everything smoked with a nicotine taste!!
                              Started smoking cigars as a hobby about a year or so ago, favourites so far are Siglo II, Monte 5, El Rey del Mundo brand in general!


