Boom time for Cuban cigars? Among the provisions included in President Obama?s package this week was one that would allow US citizens to import prized Cuban cigars up to a value of $100 each year. That could be very significant for Cuban cigar makers.
According to the International Trade Centre, a joint UN/WTO agency that tracks data from around the world, the island economy exported $272m in ?cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes? in 2013. The biggest destination market: Spain, which imported almost $86m in Cuban cigars last year.
Which means it is time to take out the calculator. If just 0.3 per cent of the US population take advantage of that $100 import limit each year the US will overnight become the biggest export destination ? at $97m ? for Cuban cigars in the world.
That may be worth lighting up a Cohiba for.
According to the International Trade Centre, a joint UN/WTO agency that tracks data from around the world, the island economy exported $272m in ?cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes? in 2013. The biggest destination market: Spain, which imported almost $86m in Cuban cigars last year.
Which means it is time to take out the calculator. If just 0.3 per cent of the US population take advantage of that $100 import limit each year the US will overnight become the biggest export destination ? at $97m ? for Cuban cigars in the world.
That may be worth lighting up a Cohiba for.