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My first Cigar Catalogue MkII

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  • My first Cigar Catalogue MkII

    Brought one of these yrs ago, from Franklyn & Davey a company Bristol way I think. I assume I brought something originally but although that's long faded away, I still have the original book. It's full colour & inspired me greatly. When I recieved it, I'd probably ony tried half a dozen in there so I set out to smoke everyone & marked them off as I went. Just about managed it but I have never found a RA PC, haven't had the R&J Cedros No 1&2 either, never liked the No3 so never bothered with the others. Anyway as we love to slag off Fleabay this was a good find. Now I have aperfect copy in my library. I must say the photos of the guy in the hotel lounge looked super cool to me, don't think I ever manged to match him; not for want of trying of course!
    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.

  • #2
    Forgot to ask, did anyone reconginse this catalogue &/or deal with Franklyn Davy & Co? Are they still going or did Mitch 'kill them off.'
    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


    • #3
      A bit strange this company simon as were bought over by imperial tobacco in 1912 then from what I can see were also active for a few years in mid 90's (all in bristol) but I had never heard of them before but the catalogue looks great and cant beat it for the price


      • #4
        so much for protecting the buyer's identity
        but nice snag Si! awesome reference for a price of a latte
        Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
        Marc's a Fat Molly
        Click here for a fun, relevant song!


        • #5
          Not sure what you mean about protecting the buyers ID Jeremy? I was the buyer, soup dragon the seller? Was a steal though.
          Aye, Rascal, I guess I got it in the mid 90's, prices reflect that. Certianly beats other catalogues; it managed to get the exclusiness of the Havana across (listing the Monte No 2 as only rarely available (which it may well have been at the time but it did make me want to track one down), & before reading from other sources, the tasting notes seemed very accurate. Now of course there are many outlets to find this info.

          I suggested, perhaps unfairly that Mitch might have put them out of business but when I really meant was the more modern internet based businesses, as theirs was a snail mail operation at the time. Still a nice souviener from the early days of my smoking adventure.
          Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.

