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Do you purchase boxes inside or out of UK?

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  • Do you purchase boxes inside or out of UK?

    Just wondering if the consensus stock up on boxes from within the UK, or purchase them when abroad?

    The saving on some sticks outside of the UK can be 50%

  • #2
    watch yourself here mate, you're on dodgy ground......... discussion of purchases outside the UK is prohibited around here, as stated in the forum rules!! sure, most buy their duty free allowance of cigars whilst abroad on holiday, not really the same as 'stocking up' if you get what i mean!!



    • #3
      Sorry - didnt mean any harm by it --- MOD please delete



      • #4
        Simon, I think your original question is clear in its enquiry and intent, so unless you really want it removed, let members chip in. However, please be mindful of discussing overseas sources (and any circumnavigating of taxes, duty et al). In the main, this would mean getting cigars over the 'net. For clarity, there are plenty of threads, stickies and 'rules' dotted around the place. You'll also read a variety of threads and posts where members openly talk about visiting overseas retailers, in person, for purchasing. That's cool Alex's points about import duties etc apply.
        Last edited by cj121; 16-07-2013, 06:09 PM. Reason: Typo
        "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


        • #5
          And he did say while abroad, which is entirely legal and not even slightly grey!

          I know I do. Same with alcohol. Mad not too. E.g. Havana club 7 year old 1L was about ?7 in cuba when I went!


          • #6
            sorry to be a party pooper here....... but we all know how this thing goes!! before long, there's discussion of how we're getting shafted with taxes etc, which leads to talk of getting 'cheaper' cigars!! simon, i know your question was clear, so sorry about butting in!! you can never be sure of what anyone else is gonna post...... and before long people are looking at you as being the instigator of the thread!!

            btw, have you checked the 'cigar travel' section? some BOTL's have posted reviews of places where they've travelled and bought/ smoked cigars!! some have been generous enough to post prices etc in case anyone else travels to the same places!!!



            • #7
              Poop away Alex! Mind you you've wiped afterwards though ay

              As you see Simon, in general, members are protective of this little cyber space we have and certain topics can end up grimey.
              "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


              • #8
                I hate to stir, but we kind of are being shafted with taxes, but that's not the point.

                To my understanding of the forum rules, as long as this doesn't go into details of specific foreign retailers, discussing purchases abroad in itself is okay.

                My opinion regarding the original question: If it's cheaper and it's legal, buy it! Depending on the country and the location, beware of the quality and authenticity. For instance, never buy cigars in Jamaica outside of duty free. Even the ones in the hotels are more often than not fake.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nightwingvyse View Post
                  never buy cigars in Jamaica outside of duty free. Even the ones in the hotels are more often than not fake.
                  In ALL countries actually. If they don't have a legit cashier with legit receipts, then don't touch it with a ten foot pole.

                  However, to the thread question:
                  I always buy mine outside of the UK

                  Sent from my BlackBerry 9100 using Tapatalk
                  Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
                  Marc's a Fat Molly
                  Click here for a fun, relevant song!


                  • #10
                    Got mine while on my travels in Bruges. I do support UK cigar stores by purchasing equipment like lighters, cutters etc and if I need to top up the bill to get free delivery I will add a few sticks.

                    I want to support the UK industry but the government don't half make it pricey.

                    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
                    Humidor: Adorini Genova Deluxe
                    Humidification: Le Veil Digital Cigar Humidifier


                    • #11
                      As much as I would love to support UK businesses, its just impossible to justify when you're paying so much less abroad, I just buy singles over here


                      • #12
                        I find one of the pleasures of this frivolous hobby is buying and smoking all over the world. Hunting down the cigar shops and regionals and 'discovering' is good fun.

                        If it were just a discussion about supporting the uk industry it would be a no brainer, but it is far more about funding hmrc (to be fair not the fault of the UK industry).

                        That said we have some of the best cigar shops, events and venues in the world. Many a global botl consider the UK (well London) a cigar 'destination'. Sometimes it is easy to loose sight of what we have.

                        ...but at the end of the day cigars are expensive, luxury goods, this is a pay to play hobby.
                        Last edited by monkey66; 17-07-2013, 10:20 AM.
                        Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                        Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                        Originally posted by Ryan
                        I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                        • #13
                          You're right, Monkey, We are lucky to have such a great selection of shops, venues and cuban cigars here.

                          I do enjoy buying abroad as well.

                          I'm going to majorca for my hols this year, and will be on the hunt for a nox of RG perlas!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lestabantam View Post
                            You're right, Monkey, We are lucky to have such a great selection of shops, venues and cuban cigars here.
                            It's probably worth making the point that the UK retailers wouldn't charge the prices they do if they didn't have to. You can tell this when you see the shop worker wince when you ask the price of a box. But if we don't support these retailers, even with their tax inflated prices, then they simply will not be there any more. This would almost certainly be the end of the UK market as everyone would be ordering from abroad. No more UK regionals and probably no new BOTL as they wouldn't be able to pick up the singles that we probably all started with.

                            But on a happier note, it's going to be 30degrees again today and I have an unopened box of ERDM Choix De L'Epoque 2009 Limited UK Edition and the day off.


                            • #15
                              Thanks guys for the feedback.
                              With so many fellow members traveling around the world,
                              I just wondered if the majority made use and took advantage of the cheaper rates from outside of the UK.
                              I totally agree that there are some highly reputable sellers here in London.
                              If i were travelling abroad, I know I'd be tempted to purchase cigars at a cheaper rate (from authentic sellers).

