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Newbie & Humidor!

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  • #16
    Welcome firearm. I'd go boveda like the other guys said, look em up on google, they are perfect for desktop and travel humis. Instructions are something like this;
    1. Receive bovedas in mail

    2. Remove from packaging and place in humi
    3. Grab a cigar and smoke it

    and when I was first setting up my desktop, it took about a month to stop bouncing around in RH, but it was within the correct range so it was all good. Unfortunately I made the mistake of being an over protective parent, always trying to counteract the fluctuations and making things swing the other way, should've just let the cedar and humidifiers sort it out themselves.


    • #17
      Hello and welcome to the forum, I see you have had a lot of great advice already

      If you go down the beads route then there is a bare minimum you need to reliably let your humi recover after opening/closing, where "more the merrier comes in" is the fact you can have any amount over the minimum and it will only help your humidity to recover quicker, they will not over-humidify. For example I need a minimum of 1lb of beads in my converted wine cooler, but have 2lb's sat inside, she has sat rocksteady for two years now.

      Whatever you decide, share with us, along with your smoking experiences

      Exploring the world - one smoke at a time.


      • #18
        thanx so much for the advice everyone,

        So I got home and removed the whiskey glass - its been about 5 hours now since doing so and the temperature seems to be happily sat at about 71% (which to be fair probably is about 69% as my needle was about 2% out)

        Ive ordered 5 of these

        Not quite cubans but it gives me a starting point (i've had them before, probably not "strong" by most peoples standard but for a newbie like me they were slightly spicy)


        • #19
          Welcome! Glad to hear you are enjoying the early days of cigar smoking.

          I can vouch for Boveda packs. I have a 50 count humi and two Boveda's keep it at a constant 69%. Boveda's cost around ?2 each and last for upto 6 months.

          If you search youtube for Boveda there is a few reviews and also instructions.

