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Starting to get why people smoke fags.........

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  • Starting to get why people smoke fags.........

    As the cold months reel in, an occasional cigar smoker such as myself finds it hard to find the time or opportunity to enjoy a 45 minute cigar, especially when I'm surrounded by friends and family who don't smoke.

    Over the last few days, I've been going through a few of some Partagas and RyJ minis I've had sitting around for a year or two. I never thought them to be much good, as they burned too hot, went out too quick and tasted bitter, though I've found that taking very shallow draws brings out the best in them.

    I think i may start to take around some minis wherever i go.

  • #2
    If they don't taste good what's the point?

    I've been meaning to give minis a go for a little while, I guess now that the cold weathers setting in its a good time to try them out!


    • #3
      Get a pipe, forget the minis's.

      I've tried both and whilst I didn't mind mini's the flavour variety that a pipe and different tobaccos offer is better.


      • #4
        The point i think i didn't put across very clearly was that i found that adopting a particular technique greatly improves the experience, rather than smoking them how you would a regular cigar.

        I have toyed with the idea of a pipe, but i don't think it would be for me. A comparatively cumbersome thing to carry around, plus I don't like to think about the stuff that would collect up in it like a woodwind instrument.


        • #5
          I've always wanted to give pipes a go, but for the price of a good one I could buy half a dozen cigars! I think with my next order of cigars I'll get a pack of clubs or puritos to try out.

