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Where it all Started Pt.2

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  • Where it all Started Pt.2

    Previously, I shared my introduction into the world of cigars during the late 80's which (, due to the careless treatment of Theakston's ale and tobacco, ended as rapidly as it began. A few years rolled by until I found myself once again in the company of men with an interest in cigars.

    I was working in Norway for an American company, involved in the new-build of a seismic survey vessel. The manager of the build project was a young American in his early thirties who offered me a cigar one evening in the bar of the hotel. I don't know what it was, I haven't the foggiest, but it was a large cigar and rough as they come.

    We sat around the white piano in the bar, where I felt very uncomfortable and conspicuous, as the pianist played out his tunes when a dark haired Norwegian woman came over and removed the cigar from my mouth, stubbed it out in the ash tray and replaced it with a cigarette. "Here, smoke this" she said in her Norwegian accented English, "You look stupid with that cigar." I didn't smoke the cigarette, nor did I smoke the dried horse manure cigar.

    There we were, trying to look stylish as we sat around the piano smoking cigars but really looking complete idiots.

    Lesson learned: Don't smoke cigars to look cool, especially if they're crap.

  • #2
    Ignorant Norwegian woman.....if that had been an aged Dunhill I'd have shoved her cigarette up her a**E!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Puff Scotty View Post
      Ignorant Norwegian woman.....if that had been an aged Dunhill I'd have shoved her cigarette up her a**E!
      Personally I would have translated that to mean she wanted my 'meat cigar' and have gone after her- then possibly shoved it up her a***

      Looking for Monte Sublimes if you have any?


      • #4
        don't smoke cigars to look cool?


        But I do look cool when I smoke a cigar, especially a really smoky one.


        • #5
          my start on cigars was not quite so cool , i was 14 behing bike sheds at school and sick of everytime i lit a fag it was taken off me and passed around so i bought 5 hamlet with my milk round money and lit one up at school then watched everyone who took a drag go green i never had to share my smokes again! the diffrence now is the only cigar that makes me ill is hamlet!!


          • #6
            Oh man, Hamlet, they're terrible things. I think they are made from the same horse manure the cigar I was smoking in Norway was made from.

            I remember the girl's name now, she was called Olga. She was a crazy woman and bit me on the neck a few days before I was due home. Great for maintaining a marriage.


            • #7
              hamlet bring on the gag reflex in me you can make your own just roll a load of rizla papers in another rizla thats just about the same as smoking a hamlet! i love my premium sticks im loving rocky patels at the moment especially the sungrown and 15th anniversary but ill give any cigar a go once but know when one is horse manure!, i find that if you want a cheap smoke have a villiger export for a machine made cigar they are the best! (round ones the square are just too square) since being retired on ill health 6 years ago and having my cigar budget bombed villiger have always been there!


              • #8
                I started on a Montecristo Tubo... Was my 19th birthday and I went home from Uni for the weekend with a friend. We passed a wine/whisky retailer in Soho that also sold cigars and my friend purchased 2 of the Monte's which we smoked when we got back to my house, and I rather liked it!

                The next day we were back in the same area and I bought another Tubo, and have loved cigars ever since.

                Sent from my iPhone using Siri
                "What is a cloud? It's water vapour."
                Larry Ellison


                • #9
                  Monty's whilst still a student? Good style, I like it. I would have thought most students, being strapped for cash and all, would have experimented with teabags.


                  • #10
                    I started off with a Hamlet or Castella, then rapidly moved on to hitting the Tubed smokes a lot of pubs had behind the bar, if memory serves they were H. Upmann Coronas, it was a long time ago (mid-late 80's). I used to pride myself that where my friends would get through a pack of fags an evening, my cigar lasted a good portion of that time.
                    Exploring the world - one smoke at a time.


                    • #11
                      Yes, there are many positive attributes to the large cigar.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mrcigar View Post
                        Monty's whilst still a student? Good style, I like it. I would have thought most students, being strapped for cash and all, would have experimented with teabags.
                        Once saw someone open a tea bag and smoke the innards... He wasn't very well after that.

                        I drank a lot less than a lot of students (at times) and spent more on getting quality food (never been much of one for ready meals) and spent the leftover on cigars.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Siri
                        "What is a cloud? It's water vapour."
                        Larry Ellison


                        • #13
                          Early 70's. Villager Export, Double Diamond & whisky & american were the steps on the slippery slope.....


                          • #14
                            For me it must have been when I was 15 (1990), I was with my dad and he was at his friends house. His friend opened up a wooden box to reveal his stash of Portugese cigars, I took a puff and it was the smoothest, most mellow tobacco I'd ever tasted. It wasn't until I was in my 30's and I tried a RyJ Churchill from CGars that I came across that taste again, only it was milder and had an amazing twang in the middle.
                            Since that Churchill I've been hooked as I can't get enough of the mellow Cuban tobacco. I gave up cigarettes when I was 22 and haven't smoked them since, nor do I have the desire to, in fact I still find cigarette smoke repulsive.
                            FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS SMOKE NC'S!


                            • #15
                              As a child i used to smoke tea in the loft through a makeshift pipe. I also smoked cinnamon sticks with tissue paper jammed in the end to control the draw; I have tried banana skins, even dried Poplar tree leaves in tissue paper.

