Previously, I shared my introduction into the world of cigars during the late 80's which (, due to the careless treatment of Theakston's ale and tobacco, ended as rapidly as it began. A few years rolled by until I found myself once again in the company of men with an interest in cigars.
I was working in Norway for an American company, involved in the new-build of a seismic survey vessel. The manager of the build project was a young American in his early thirties who offered me a cigar one evening in the bar of the hotel. I don't know what it was, I haven't the foggiest, but it was a large cigar and rough as they come.
We sat around the white piano in the bar, where I felt very uncomfortable and conspicuous, as the pianist played out his tunes when a dark haired Norwegian woman came over and removed the cigar from my mouth, stubbed it out in the ash tray and replaced it with a cigarette. "Here, smoke this" she said in her Norwegian accented English, "You look stupid with that cigar." I didn't smoke the cigarette, nor did I smoke the dried horse manure cigar.
There we were, trying to look stylish as we sat around the piano smoking cigars but really looking complete idiots.
Lesson learned: Don't smoke cigars to look cool, especially if they're crap.
I was working in Norway for an American company, involved in the new-build of a seismic survey vessel. The manager of the build project was a young American in his early thirties who offered me a cigar one evening in the bar of the hotel. I don't know what it was, I haven't the foggiest, but it was a large cigar and rough as they come.
We sat around the white piano in the bar, where I felt very uncomfortable and conspicuous, as the pianist played out his tunes when a dark haired Norwegian woman came over and removed the cigar from my mouth, stubbed it out in the ash tray and replaced it with a cigarette. "Here, smoke this" she said in her Norwegian accented English, "You look stupid with that cigar." I didn't smoke the cigarette, nor did I smoke the dried horse manure cigar.
There we were, trying to look stylish as we sat around the piano smoking cigars but really looking complete idiots.
Lesson learned: Don't smoke cigars to look cool, especially if they're crap.