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What cigars have you smoked the most of?

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  • #16
    I'd probably go with HdM Epi 2 also,close second PSD4.It's interesting to read others' opinions on the latter because I've also been feeling that they've lost something.I'm a few sticks away from finishing a 2010 box and I guess that 1:4 has been dull,flat and lifeless.Maybe as Deano suggested it's an age thing but I'm not in a hurry to pick a new box up anytime soon.
    "The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana cigar."

    Evelyn Waugh


    • #17
      I will only to the one I have smoked most of because I am sure it is so far in front of anything else in number that I ahve smoked over the last 15 years and that is the Bolivar PC. Alway had a 50 cab on the go.

      Not quite the same now (like a few of my faves) but that is a whole can of worms I will leave alone for now!


      • #18
        mostly Bolivar PCs and Partagas PCs
        think lucky and you'll be lucky


        • #19
          Get Down To It!

          Originally posted by Jacobwaits View Post
          Not quite the same now (like a few of my faves) but that is a whole can of worms I will leave alone for now!
          Regarding the Bolivar PC, let's open that can of worms!

          On a separate thread, if you must. I'd like to know what you think.

          El P

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


          • #20
            Originally posted by bigbarneyhotdog View Post
            ...Small gauge = meh
            That's our Barney! I would have been disappointed if you had mentioned any
            Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


            • #21
              Most smoked:

              Hoyo Epi2; Hoyo PR; Upmann Connie 1; Upmann Mag 48


              • #22
                JL2 by quite a margin then Mag 46, BBF


                • #23
                  Hmmm, in no particular these are the sticks i've smoked the most of.....

                  Cohiba Siglo II
                  RyJ Coronitas En Cedro
                  RyJ Churchills
                  Hoyo Palmas Extra
                  Monte No4
                  Monte No2
                  Partagas Serie P No2
                  Partagas Petit Corona Esp
                  Bolivar PC


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                    Regarding the Bolivar PC, let's open that can of worms!

                    On a separate thread, if you must. I'd like to know what you think.

                    El P

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Ok, well for whatever reason they just don't taste the same anymore. I am talking from about 2010. I still like them but something's not right. They used to be so rich and full of flavour even after a year or so. I swear... just thinking about it now I can still remember that taste and smell that used to be my regular companion with a glass or two of scotch late at night.
                    Now before anyone gets too excited, I am well aware that it may not be the cigar at all. It may just be me, tastes change and we find new favourites all the time. The only reason I am a little hesitant about getting into this and opening this 'can of worms' is because I find myself getting the same problem with quite a few Cubans that I have loved in the past. Partagas Serie D 4 is another example, I swear I just can't find a box for love nor money that makes me feel like I used to! Maybe It's me. Sir Winston...Had some of my best smoking experiences with one of those...have a box from 2010 and saying it tasted like unfermented cardboard is being kind! It's a sir winne for F**KS sake.

                    And I think the age thing that people always say is glossing over the problem, like 'give them a few years' or 'they really need 4 or 5 years'. I am sorry and I know that many of you are far more educated on these subjects than I am but if something tastes like sugar free paper and salt free f**king spelt bread from the off then 4 years is not going to help any.

                    Anyway, There are still plenty of fine cigars out there and it is probably just me but I am a little more open to trying the odd NC more than I ever thought I would be.

                    Boring myself now! Cheers.
                    Last edited by Jacobwaits; 27-09-2012, 08:16 AM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jacobwaits View Post
                      The only reason I am a little hesitant about getting into this and opening this 'can of worms' is because I find myself getting the same problem with quite a few Cubans that I have loved in the past.
                      I've noticed this too, and mentioned it ..... I not a Horticulturist so I can't prove my theory, but I think there's a problem with the hybrid leaf.
                      If you want to, you can.
                      And, if you can, you must!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                        I've noticed this too, and mentioned it ..... I not a Horticulturist so I can't prove my theory, but I think there's a problem with the hybrid leaf.
                        hey arf, you may have hit the nail on the head!!! remember, cuban cigars are 'organic' and we feed them water just as we would with any plant or organic life form!! growing conditions, climate changes, biodiversity changes........ evolution even could all effect the tobacco plants the cigars are made from, which in turn, effects what we get to smoke!!!

                        still, i'd rather have a crappy tasting cuban cigar rather than a crappy NC.......


