I saw this on another cigar site and it made me laugh so I thought I'd re-post it here. For the record, I don't really believe in this, it's just a bit of fun. So what kind of person are you?
Psychology Between Two - What does your cigar say about you?
Cigars can speak. And the attentive 'listener' can learn much from them about their owner. The way people hold their cigar can reveal much about their characters and moods.
In the early nineteen twenties an issue of the Italian almanac, Il Tabacco, contained an interesting column under the heading Sigaromanzia - twelve positions of the hand holding the cigar with captions showing the psychological characteristics of the smoker.
The Italian psychologists of the last century were, apparently, right. At our request, a number of modern experts conducted a similar experiment and came to approximately the same conclusion. So take a closer look at the people you talk to, and maybe you'll find out something about them you didn't know before.
Psychology Between Two - What does your cigar say about you?
Cigars can speak. And the attentive 'listener' can learn much from them about their owner. The way people hold their cigar can reveal much about their characters and moods.
In the early nineteen twenties an issue of the Italian almanac, Il Tabacco, contained an interesting column under the heading Sigaromanzia - twelve positions of the hand holding the cigar with captions showing the psychological characteristics of the smoker.
The Italian psychologists of the last century were, apparently, right. At our request, a number of modern experts conducted a similar experiment and came to approximately the same conclusion. So take a closer look at the people you talk to, and maybe you'll find out something about them you didn't know before.
A fine orator, a good psychologist | Sensible, fair-minded | Temperamental, irritable, but a man of his word | Cheerful, sociable, self-willed |
Elegant, imposing | Quiet, decisive | Hard, egoistic | Practical, vengeful |
A loner, an opportunist | Thrifty | Mistrustful, skeptical | Generous, democratic, talkative, welcoming |