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Another new to cigar thread.

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  • Another new to cigar thread.


    I know their are quite a few of threads for us new smokers, but i would like advice on cigars.

    I have only ever smoked small cheap crap cigarillos from spain so you can see where im coming from haha

    Only a sprog to smoking cigars (19) so any help appreciated, I know its true that you get what you pay for, but im on a tight budget and just looking at trying a single cigar but don't know which type to choose light. medium etc



  • #2
    Try a Por Larranaga Petit Corona And Welcome!


    • #3
      Welcome indeed and just throwing another suggestion at you (you'll get quite a few) Montecristo No.4
      "The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana cigar."

      Evelyn Waugh


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vortigan View Post
        Welcome indeed and just throwing another suggestion at you (you'll get quite a few) Montecristo No.4
        Second that, just make sure you pick one out thats not too firm, and you should be good to go


        • #5
          Could you advise me where to get them from? I live in Manchester, or is online ok?


          • #6
            I shall recomend the El Ray del Mundo Demi Tasse, great light bodied smoke with lots of flavour. Check the forum sponsor Cgars for shopping online. By the way, welcome to the expensive world of cigars!

            Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk


            • #7
              A Montecristo Petit Edmundo....full of flavour and should last 45 mins or so and will let you experience a lot of what CCs have to offer

              PS welcome aboard


              • #8
                Originally posted by SWJ.93 View Post
                Could you advise me where to get them from? I live in Manchester, or is online ok?
                There's a pretty good cigar shop in Manchester in one of the arcades. It'll be worth making friends with the owner as he may have some nice pointers for you, mind you I don't know the shop well and he may be a bugger.

                It's called C Aston and is in the royal exchange.

                I think one of the department stores has a cigar section too (selfridges/harvey nics?)


                • #9
                  A mont petit Edmundo would be a good start I reckon...or a romeo y julietta petit corona.

                  I live in Manchester too and quite often go to CJ Aston in exchange arcade, just off St Anne's square. Good to get yourself a couple of sticks from, slightly more than online prices but there will be no postage charges.

                  They are a friendly bunch in the shop, just tell them you are a newbie and they will give you ssome advice / starter smokes without ripping you off.

                  Good luck mate, let us know how you get on.


                  • #10
                    Welcome along. I started my journey with A Montecristo no 4. It's a great cigar, not too strong but great flavours and a great way to introduce yourself to the wonderful world of Cuban cigars!


                    • #11
                      Welcome along, for mild and easy smoke I would go for a RyJ no.2 tube. Of you want a more complex smoke partagas short or Hoyo de Monterey epicure 2. Have fun choosing some smokes.


                      • #12
                        Hello and welcome as mentioned you cant go wrong with the monte 4, a great starter cigar.
                        Ron White Quotes
                        I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
                        Ron White


                        • #13
                          Welcome to the world of tomorrow.

                          Still as people have said montie 4 is a good start another is a el ray de mundo choix supreme or a H.Upmann corona minor/major.


                          • #14
                            +1 on the ERdM. Light, fruity, flowery and pretty much guaranteed to draw perfectly. Always a risk of a Monte 4 being plugged (I've had my share anyway)


                            • #15
                              a nice little sampler and not too expensive -

                              Welcome to the forum.

