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Keeping a cigar journal?

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  • Keeping a cigar journal?

    Just wondering how many people keep a journal of cigars that you smoke. I'm considering starting to do it, using Evernote on my iphone, just basic info, pics and how much I liked/disliked it.

    The thing is I don't want it to take away from the pleasure in any way by obsessing about writing notes.

    Interested in your thoughts.

  • #2
    I started doing this (using google docs spreadsheet) and failed to update it after the first week. I might go back to it tbh, I forget how good/bad cigars can be very quickly.


    • #3
      Do a blog on here and just update as you smoke.


      • #4
        I keep tasting notes of every cigar and a rating out of 100 the first time I smoke them, been doing so for about five years now and have two books full of notes. It really helps you develop identifying flavours.



        • #5
          Think I'm gonna start doing it every time i smoke something for the first time. Might write a blog as well.


          • #6
            Go for it. I started doing this (jotting down notes, then writing up a review - ended up with my blog).

            I don't necessarily write up notes every time I smoke a cigar, but always on it's first go. I will make a couple of notes if I have one later down the line which seems to differ significantly though. Always interesting to have a quick look to check consistency before making a big order.

            As for whether it will detract or otherwise from the smoking experience. I actually find that it enhances mine. I become engrossed in the cigar and feel that I am able to appreciate the nuances more if I'm focused on what is happening to the smoking experience. On the other hand, if I'm smoking at a herf, or just at a small social meet-up with a fellow BOTL, I'll rarely make notes. That's because I think that the purpose of that smoke is different to my 'quiet contemplative hour of relaxation' that I'm usually aiming for when I'm concentrating on the cigar, and nothing else.
            My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
            My Company:
            Siparium Sporting


            • #7
              Are You Experienced?

              Originally posted by fireman_uk View Post
              The thing is I don't want it to take away from the pleasure in any way by obsessing about writing notes.
              Like you, muchacho, I considered keeping a journal long before SmartPhones and puro related applications. But also like you, I was afraid doing so would distract for the puro pleasure... or experience, if you prefer!

              Consequently, I never got further than assigning a rating to each stick in the beginning until I got familiar with each brand and format.

              But hey! That's just me!

              Perro, el Perro

              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


              • #8
                I have tried many times, and the effort rarely lasts more than the time it takes to light a cigar.
                "What is a cloud? It's water vapour."
                Larry Ellison


                • #9
                  I've been thinking about it for a while-was looking for a suitable app to no avail. That Evernote seems like a good idea.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                    Like you, muchacho, I considered keeping a journal long before SmartPhones and puro related applications. But also like you, I was afraid doing so would distract for the puro pleasure... or experience, if you prefer!

                    Consequently, I never got further than assigning a rating to each stick in the beginning until I got familiar with each brand and format.

                    But hey! That's just me!

                    Perro, el Perro

                    Yeah after thinking about it I've decided against it. I'm obsessive by nature and I don't need to be stressing about making notes. I may just go with ratings and maybe a couple of words describing how much i liked it.


                    • #11
                      I keep a journal, although I'm not obsessive over it. Its really just to look back at past experiences, so I can see how cigars I have have changed over time, or just how much a liked or disliked something. I don't go crazy with flavor profiles, or put any ratings to them. I just write my own experiences, and then normally when I'm on a plane and have some time, type them up, put them in order, so I can make sure I don't buy anything I dislike accidentally!


                      • #12
                        Check out Stogie Rate. I've been using it for years.

                        ISent from my iPhone by iGeorge

