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Do I only have 1 taste-bud??

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  • Do I only have 1 taste-bud??

    hey guys, I am still a total beginner in all aspects of the cigar hoby/whatever you want to call it and I really need some advice.

    I have only had about 20 good quality handmade cigars but they all seem to have the same taste to me (ALL of my cigars have been different apart from 2 Bolivar No.3's).

    The only taste I seem to get from cigars is a bitter, warm tobacco taste and some spice, I have had small thin cigars, short robusto's, long robusto's, belicoso's, light wrappers, dark wrappers and they all seem to have the same taste of bitter tobacco and spice. Is there any reason for this?

    I though I would write this as I just had a Partagas Black Clasico and was expecting Liquorice like tastes due to every review of this cigar saying that is what I should expect, but, yet again, I just got the same hot tobacco and spice taste!

    If anyone can help me out as to whether I am doing something wrong etc it would be great.

    P.S sorry for the waffling!!

    Best regards, James
    A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers

  • #2
    One surefire way to get bitterness is to smoke a cigar too fast, overheat the leaves, then bitterness is there to stay. As a rough guide, one draw per minute is about right.

    Have you tried a cigar you have a few of? Smoke one straight away, then rest the others for a few months at least, try one again and normally you will feel/taste a difference.

    There are a lot of factors that can influence the flavour though, temperature outdoors, food and drink consumed, method of lighting, rate of smoking etc.

    Don't worry too much though if subtle flavours don't show through straight away, it takes a lot of time and smokes to educate your palette, and even then you won't get bursts of flavour from every cigar you smoke. As long as you enjoy them, that is what matters.
    Exploring the world - one smoke at a time.


    • #3
      I echo what dave says about it tasting bitter, apart from that I say don't worry as it just takes time to start picking out different flavours.
      Ron White Quotes
      I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
      Ron White


      • #4
        Thanks guys, I definitly think I have been smoking too quickly then :/ after what you said. I haven't been smoking long ehough to age some but I have a partagas serie D No.2 from? 2008 which I will have soon and smoke slower . Thanks again for the advice Dave
        A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers


        • #5
          Partagas should taste peppery and spicy. Try taking notes whilst smoking one and just waffle on about what the flavours remind you of


          • #6
            My guess it could be an age thing thats why I am buying the young'un CC's to brew and smoke the older ones first. Since NC's are kept in the factory for a while before releasing any (according to my local tobacconists) I am smoking more of them than the CC's. Thats the plan anyway!


            • #7
              Also be patient, 20 cigars is not a lot to develop a pallet.
              Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
              Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

              Originally posted by Ryan
              I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


              • #8
                So the consensus would be to smoke slower, and just enjoy them and don't try and force flavour? Let it come naturally?
                A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bigbarneyhotdog View Post
                  Partagas should taste peppery and spicy.
                  Cuban Partagas, yes. But he mentioned a "Partagas Black Clasico" which is probably made with tobacco from everywhere except Cuba.


                  • #10
                    Seems the way to go. As you know I am pretty much still a newbie to stogies too, will have to smoke slower!


                    • #11
                      I know but I just can't help myself
                      A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers


                      • #12
                        I've been smoking good cigars for years... those flavours are there, but they just form part of a vocabulary describing differences. I also think people think too hard about cigars/wine/food and enjoy them in the same way train spotters enjoy trains. Sometimes you should just enjoy cigars in the same way you would a night with a luscious lady (or man if that's your thing). If a man was scoring his intimate partner of the night on a detailed 100 point scale, making notes and trying to define every little point of what he was experiencing I'd think him a little unusual and imagine he was probably missing the whole point!

                        HOWEVER I have many very close female friends and they do almost keep a 100 point score, with specific areas scoring differently (passion, tenderness, appearance.... filth!) and make mental notes throughout the carnal experience so they can compare notes.... the point? I suppose we all have a tendency to appraise cigars in the way women think of sex and I think we should all try to smoke more like men!

                        Grrrr! All man!

                        (and yes real men like tea and a cuddles....ahem!!!)

                        PS I am well aware of the gross, sweeping generalisations above!
                        Last edited by Drewmidorn; 22-11-2011, 10:50 AM.


                        • #13
                          Well said......Grrrrrrr
                          Ron White Quotes
                          I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
                          Ron White


                          • #14
                            Have you tried lighting one?

                            ISent from my iPhone by iGeorge


                            • #15
                              Lighting a woman? Not sure how that would go down with my other half. Will report back in the morning
                              A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers

