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Does the band affect the taste..?

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  • Does the band affect the taste..?

    Obviously not literally but does anyone think that an attractive band can affect the dimensions of a cigars taste? Purely through whatever association occurs within the smoker's mind. I sometimes find myself wondering if I would like an average cigar a little more if its band wasn't so ugly.

    Random thought after 1.5 bottles of wine. Don't slate me

  • #2
    Haha you drunkard!


    • #3
      I'm sober now and I'm still convinced a nice band can make me look upon an average taste more favorably


      • #4


        • #5
          if im physically buying cigars a nice/interesting band can some times make me pick up a single i wasnt planning to try. Unfortunatly that doesnt mean when i get it lit up its going to be good!
          Ron White Quotes
          I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
          Ron White


          • #6
            My point is more along the lines of, take two mediocre cigars with different bands - does the one with the better 'look' seem like a better smoke?

            Am I still talking about this?


            • #7
              A cigar will often look better without. But that aside, books sell on the cover, but a few pages will generally tell you if it's crap or not. But design is design and bands are bands, and Habanos have not really got round to the trick of different sized bands for different vitola.

              So, going on you're theory Trav, the QdO Panatelas is the best smoking cigar in the World. It isn't, but it's far from mediocre!
              If you want to, you can.
              And, if you can, you must!


              • #8
                You must have been drunk if you expressed a half as a decimal


                • #9
                  I think the psychology of pretty looking things, will always come into play...whether books, girls, cars, smokes. If you find something better looking, or of a better design, there will always be a part of you that expects to enjoy it more.

                  I agree that if you were to smoke two cigars, one with a band on that you really liked the look of, and one without a band at would enjoy the one with a band on a little more...regardless of the fact that they were exactly the same cigar. Its just the way human psychology works. We like things more...when we like more about them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Detroit_Waves View Post
                    I think the psychology of pretty looking things, will always come into play...whether books, girls, cars, smokes. If you find something better looking, or of a better design, there will always be a part of you that expects to enjoy it more.

                    I agree that if you were to smoke two cigars, one with a band on that you really liked the look of, and one without a band at would enjoy the one with a band on a little more...regardless of the fact that they were exactly the same cigar. Its just the way human psychology works. We like things more...when we like more about them.

                    See? I'm not the only crazy one

                    This is something I have thought on numerous occasions. The effect doesn't make muck taste great but I think there is a measurable response to the association a nice band will cause. Last night it was a San Cristobal and the band made me think tropical, holiday thoughts. It's still unlikely I'll go rushing out to buy another one though

                    As for the decimals - I'm a bioinformatician. Decimals are second nature


                    • #11
                      Crazy? No....Drunkard? Almost definitely :P

                      The only thing that needs to be taken into account, is ones interpretation of what looks good. What looks great to me, looks poor to another, so unfortunately, there would be no way for a producer to produce a band to create a uniformed appeal.

                      Thinking about it a little deeper, the same thought must therefore cross over to all forms of cigar packaging. Do you find a cigar taste better, when it comes in a great looking box of 25, as oppose to a single of the same cigar?

                      And also, in reverse....Do you find a cigar tastes a little worse, due to a terrible band, or poor packaging?

                      Food for thought...


                      • #12
                        My theory was focused on unknown and previously untested singles. Extending it beyond that would take some thought

                        Drunkard? You've spent too much time in the US. They serve wine in Northern Ireland's primary schools. Alcholism is called 'socialising'


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by travisbickle34 View Post
                          My theory was focused on unknown and previously untested singles. Extending it beyond that would take some thought

                          Drunkard? You've spent too much time in the US. They serve wine in Northern Ireland's primary schools. Alcholism is called 'socialising'
                          I couldn't believe it in Belgium, when we went to our daughters school plays, the parents would be able to purchase alcohol at the canteen & sit through the little darlings performance, whilst drinking several bottles of Belgian beer & smoking. Times have changed today, now they can't smoke inside but they do still serve alcohol. I suspect it appears to improve little Johnny's performance no end
                          Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by travisbickle34 View Post
                            My theory was focused on unknown and previously untested singles. Extending it beyond that would take some thought

                            Drunkard? You've spent too much time in the US. They serve wine in Northern Ireland's primary schools. Alcholism is called 'socialising'
                            Don't enforce stereotypes!!! They'll believe that, you know

