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feel dirty...... but good!

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  • feel dirty...... but good!

    so, i dont know about everybody else but i have a cigar budget which is around ?80 a month.

    this was AWARDED to me from the girl friend as a guilt free indulgence.
    to start with this was more than ample but as time has gone on and this passion of ours has exploded i have come to realise that it just wont do (just as my 75 ct humi, which i thought will more cover my needs now dosn't ).

    so this month after already receiving my quota i was working in Birmingham and i decided to pop in to hollingsworth (just to look you understand) when i found myself coming out with a short story, hoyo petit robusto, and a mancudo titen.

    i then found my self inadvertently throwing the receipt in to the bin!

    i really did feel bad until i smoked the short story and then it was more than worth it.

    so my questions to you fellow BOTL are.....

    1- do you have a cigar budget, self imposed or otherwise and how much?

    2-does any one hide their buys from their better half?

    3-do you feel bad?

    whos feeling honest?

    Ron White Quotes
    I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
    Ron White

  • #2
    1. Have not got a budget as such. That does not mean I have a blank chequebook, just that I know where the line is.

    2. I have only made one purchase and she knows about it. My lady gets her nails and hair done, I get my sticks!

    3. Noooooooo!!!


    • #3
      1: I budget for an avge of E1,000pa, I plan for 15yrs ahead, worked out for 10yrs but a few things through me off plan. Had to buy someones lifetime collection, which was a yrs budget gone in one blow for 2010, then went to Cuba in Feb 2011, so ended up buying stix I hadn't planned for but apart from a couple of buys since, totaling my budget total for 2011 already; means I won't be buying any more stix until next summer at least.
      The fact that all my humis & 1 off my cooliors is full, is making it easier to stick to the budget if not the plan.
      2: I have never discussed budget with my wife. The mortgage was paid off this Jan & the bills are paid every month. We have seperate accounts (my salary is paid in Sterling into a UK account) & I don't ask her about her spending as long as she pays her share (1/3).
      3. No I don't feel guilty but I do try to avoid conflict. I tried to hide the two Humi's that I had to buy to house the big collection I brought but she found them within a week! Should have just told her to start with of course but 'if wives were more reasonable, husbands would be more open'.
      Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
        'if wives were more reasonable, husbands would be more open'.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bfg84 View Post
          1- do you have a cigar budget, self imposed or otherwise and how much?

          2-does any one hide their buys from their better half?

          3-do you feel bad?
          1) - nope - I'm gonna spend what I want (based on the reality of living, that is...). I buy many things for us both, for my wife alone and also for just me...there's no boundary other than keeping within an overall budget.

          2) - nope - but by the same token, I don't shove it down her throat - she loves her wine, which I ensure is never 'out of stock', so I'm entitled to what I need also...

          3) - never - I have realised that to make a good relationship 'great', there are points in both lives where what is needed somewhat 'personal'...this isn't bad at all...we are individuals that work in relationships...

          If none of this makes sense, then perhaps the numerous glasses of vino-collapso has emphasised by ability to bullshit...but I stand by all I've said...



          • #6
            That sounds very reasonable Steve.


            • #7
              Ain't that the truth, FOG...


              • #8
                Of course where we fall down is when we try to use logical argument to our nearet & dearest. They just see a stock of cash tied up waiting to be burned, that could have been spent on the new kitchen/bathroom, holiday ect, ect
                Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                • #9
                  1.) ?400 - ?450 would do me nicely as I only some a cigar on weekends, if I buy 2x 25 sticks then it would easily last me for a year.
                  2.) I'm single, free to do what I want
                  3.) Not at all, I won't buy an item if I can't afford it.


                  • #10
                    1. In the summer months I tend to buy less, smoke more, in the winter I spend those months steadily replacing what I smoked through earlier.
                    A great question as it got me going back over the last few years working out just how much I've spent on cigars, it averages out to about
                    ?100-120 a month.

                    2. I tend to be slightly 'economical' with the amounts I tell the wife, probably because I also know myself that I'm spending a little too much .....
                    hold on ... what am I saying ...... too much is never enough! As for my wife, she is a non-smoker so all she sees is money going up in smoke.

                    3. Mostly feel a wee bit guilty right up until I light a cigar and take the first puff.
                    Exploring the world - one smoke at a time.


                    • #11
                      I don't really have a budget at all. I just buy what I want. I've been trying to be a good boy lately as I spent nearly a grand in June/July.
                      My wife doesn't give a buggery what I spend and I never hide stuff from her...slippery slope if you have to lie. Real men don't hide from their little woman....if she gives me any grief I just pull down her britches and give six of the best (yeah right)


                      • #12
                        i purchase a box a month, smoke 5 or 6 stogies a week and i never feel bad !


                        • #13
                          1. no defined budget, but humidor is only so big...
                          2. nope, each of us has our own income and banking, joint bills account we dd into each month and thas it
                          3. only because there isn't any room left...


                          • #14
                            Interesting question Dan!

                            1. No set budget, but money is tight, so I only buy when I have some spare after everything else is taken care of.

                            2. Errrr. Hmmmmmm..... I might just plead the 5th amendment on this one.......

                            3. Not really. We both spend a little bit on 'luxuries' but are both smart enough to make sure we have the money in the bank first, and NOT put it on a credit card, and hope to pay it back some day, like many idiots seem to do.....
                            Last edited by Monkey Nuts; 22-08-2011, 01:34 PM. Reason: spelling


                            • #15
                              some interesting answers,
                              i do like Smokey Daves being 'economical' with the truth.
                              im not telling lies just being economical!
                              feel better already

                              Ron White Quotes
                              I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
                              Ron White

